Alabama receives shoutout at the Academy A!

Alabama receives shoutout at the Academy A!Credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images.

Alabama receives shoutout at the Academy A!

The Help was another amazingly wonderful story.  A story that really isn't talked about much down here in the deep South.  But one that so needs to be.  I didn't watch last night, but what a great surprise driving in to work this morning, listening to OUR OWN Octavia Spencer on NPR this morning who won a sooo well deserved best supporting actress award. 

LOVED her (obviously from the heart, and not at all rehearsed) shoutout to Alabama. 

Here's how it went:

“Thank you, Academy, for putting me with the hottest guy in the room,” Then she thanks the state of Alabama, her family, her “Help” family. “I’m wrapping up, I’m sorry, I’m freaking out.”

Alabama receives shoutout at the Academy A!


Robin Wade